Ubicación: TORRES DE PORTACOELI, VALENCIA, ESPAÑA fecha: 2007-2009 Status: CONSTRUIDO Cliente: PRIVADO Superficie: 205 M2 Presupuesto: BUDGET: 128.232,75 EUROS Colaboradores: MIGUEL MONTEAGUDO (arqto. técnico), TEMCCO (estructura), INAVI (instalaciones)
Organising a continuous space in the most concise way possible. A single prismatic volume with two incisions that articulate the different pieces around the main space, the kitchen, dining and living room.
The incisions form two patios: one separates the entrance and study from the living/dining room, and the other gives independence to the main bedroom form the remaining ones. These patios, through light and vegetation, bring the plot of land into the home, qualifying the interior spaces.The home gives off the appearance of a discrete size, with a marked horizontal component that discovers itself along the length of the plot, until it reaches the terrace, which connects the main space in the building with the outside space of the swimming pool.